German Oil-Additive

oil additives

Pow­er for Ener­gy Ger­man Oil-Addi­tive

Power for Energy

more infor­ma­tion

engine oil




hydraulic fluid


hydraulic units


construction machinery

AMTO Oil Additives | Power for Energy

What are AMTO® additives?

AMTO® – cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy – Made in Ger­many, the num­ber 1 in indus­try and pri­vate use.
HIGH-QUALITY met­al sur­face SEALING in all oil and grease cir­cuits.

Ener­gy and CO2 sav­ings of 15% and more.

Your security — Our money back guarantee*

HIGH-QUALITY metal surface SEALING in all oil and grease circuits.


– enormous cost reduction, as energy consumption drops into the double-digit range. 
– CO2 reduction disproportionately – Climate Positiv Technology
– Lead over the competitor
– Instant and extremely effective, long-lasting
– Reduces frictional resistance up to 90%
– more power/load (7–13%)
– smoother running and elasticity 6–14%. Decibels lower 8–17 dB
– Manufacturer warranties remain fully intact
– Increased efficiency, quality, precision, production and personnel
– increases longevity, less downtime/failure
– less use of fresh oil as AMTO® is added additionally.
– Oil consumption reduction up to approx. 82%
– maintains O‑rings and seals – Supports the sealing effect
– Reduces cold start wear up to approx. 93 % – Develops an emergency lubrication.

Conclusion: lower costs, more performance with less CO2. AMTO® costs a fraction of its benefits!

Application examples:

Engine, trans­mis­sion (includ­ing auto­mat­ic), hydraulics, bear­ings, lubrication/greasing, punch­ing, tool­mak­ing, cool­ing lubri­cants, ero­sion dielectrics, lubri­cat­ing oils+greases, cut­ting oils, form­ing oils, etc. Trucks, com­bus­tion-hybrid-elec­tric vehi­cles, air­craft, trains, ships, wind tur­bines, tur­bines, gas tur­bines, indus­tri­al machin­ery and equip­ment, con­struc­tion site and spe­cial vehi­cles, ele­va­tors, wheel­chairs, bicy­cles, etc.


If pos­si­ble, add AMTO® to the warm oil sys­tem. Then let the sys­tem run and the AMTO® con­di­tion­er will imme­di­ate­ly fill all notch­es and grooves to 100% from. It ensures, with its seal­ing, a uni­form, extreme­ly low-fric­tion (-90%) Sur­face. Seals and valves are main­tained. Extreme cold or heat have no neg­a­tive effect on AMTO®

Do not use if: Wet clutch­es made of met­al (ceram­ic is no prob­lem).

Rec­om­men­da­tion: Addi­tive only added to engines after more than 5000km or more than 125 oper­at­ing hours.

– Con­sult­ing – Field ser­vice – Com­pe­tence team
– We meet all require­ments of oil and machine man­u­fac­tur­ers.
– Only we give a mon­ey back guar­an­tee*

What are the advantages of AMTO®?

efficiency & cost savings

AMTO® reduces up to 90% of fric­tion, there­by reduc­ing ener­gy require­ments by approx­i­mate­ly 15% and often sig­nif­i­cant­ly more, result­ing in greater effi­cien­cy and cost sav­ings.

service life & service intervals

The low­er fric­tion and reduced wear extend the ser­vice life of the dri­ves. Cold start and start-stop sys­tems do not suf­fer from the lack of oil sup­ply.

Energy Consumption & CO2

AMTO® con­tributes to reduc­ing CO2 emis­sions because ener­gy con­sump­tion and thus CO2 emis­sions are reduced pro­por­tion­al­ly. Exam­ple: Car engines:
Per 10,000 km sav­ing Co2 Diesel: 380kg Co2 – Petrol: 335 kg Co2
Car engines with 12l/consumption and with only a sav­ing of:

12% *Fuel by AMTO® 

* 20% and more are often reached
Sources: direct CO² emis­sions
 – AMTO® reduced CO² and pol­lu­tant emis­sions – good for our envi­ron­ment

Warranty & Environment

The man­u­fac­tur­ers’ guar­an­tees remain valid with­out any restric­tions, as AMTO® is approved for use with almost all oils. Used oil can usu­al­ly be dis­posed of and recy­cled in the same way.

Suitable for all machine systems.

AMTO® is suit­able for a wide range of machine sys­tems where oil is used as a lubri­cant or hydraulic flu­id. These include, for exam­ple, engines, trans­mis­sions, hydraulic units, cars, con­struc­tion machin­ery, agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery, pumps, fans, cool­ing sys­tems and many oth­er appli­ca­tions where fric­tion and wear are a prob­lem. In short: AMTO is suit­able for all sys­tems where oil is used as a lubri­cant or hydraulic flu­id.

lower fuel consumption

Reduce your costs now and pro­tect the envi­ron­ment at the same time. Our inno­v­a­tive prod­uct requires nei­ther enzymes nor com­po­nents such as Teflon, ceram­ics or nano par­ti­cles. AMTO® is there­fore the most cost-effec­tive way to reduce your fuel con­sump­tion. With AMTO® you can con­tin­ue to use your proven machines and pro­tect the envi­ron­ment by reduc­ing resources and CO2 emis­sions. What are you wait­ing for?
Rely on AMTO® and ben­e­fit from max­i­mum effi­cien­cy and min­i­mal costs!